PHP version of the Python script located at

Update: Thanks to a quick update by Ben, DecentURL now returns valid JSON, so the quote workaround is no longer needed.



    PHP interface for the DecentUrl service
        by Matthew D (

    Based on the Python script by Ben Hoyt




        //  returns: "youtube/medieval-helpdesk-with-english"

        //  returns: ""

        //  returns: array("DecentURL - Making ugly URLs decent", "making-ugly-urls-decent")

        //  returns: ""

        //  throws a DecentUrlException("resolve request failed:  notfound")


    class DecentUrlException extends Exception {}
    class DecentUrl
        const BASE_URL = '';

        //  Create or get decent URL from given ugly one and return it
        public static function Get($url, $title="")
            $response = self::Request("get", array("u" => $url, "t" => $title), 2);

            return $response[0];

        //  Resolve decent URL and return ugly original
        public static function Resolve($decentUrl)
            $response = self::Request("resolve", array("d" => $decentUrl), 2);

            return $response[0];

        //  Return tuple of full <title> and decent title for given URL
        public static function Title($url, $maxLength = 1000)
            return self::Request("title", array("u" => $url, "l" => $maxLength), 2);

        //  Return URL's base domain
        public static function Domain($url, $maxLength = 1000)
            $response = self::Request("domain", array("u" => $url, "l" => $maxLength), 1);

            return $response[0];

        //  Call generic DecentUul API function, throw DecentUrlException if not ok
        private static function Request($type, $parameters, $expectedResponseSize = false)
            //  Take a key value pair, and join them together, making sure to
            //  urlencode the value
            foreach($parameters as $key => $value)
                $parameters[$key] = sprintf("%s=%s", $key, urlencode($value));

            $queryString = implode("&", array_values($parameters));

            $url = sprintf("%s%s?%s", self::BASE_URL, $type, $queryString);

            $contents = file_get_contents($url);

            $response = json_decode($contents);

            if($response == null)
                throw new DecentUrlException("Response was not valid JSON");

            if($response[0] != "ok")
                throw new DecentUrlException("{$type} request failed:  {$response[0]}");

            //  Remove the first element (which we proved was 'ok' above)
            $trimedResponse = array_slice($response, 1);

            //  If requested, we check to see that the response is the correct
            //  size.
            if(($expectedResponseSize !== false) && (count($trimedResponse) != $expectedResponseSize))
                throw new DecentUrlException("{$type} request failed:  expected {$expectedResponseSize} fields, got " . count($trimedResponse));

            return $trimedResponse;
