I’m sure sorting method has a real name, but I’ve had no luck searching for it.

function mapSort(array, mapFunction, sortFunction)
    // Store both original value, and transformed value
    var mapData = array.map(function(e)
        return [e, mapFunction(e)];

    // Sort the data using the second element of each array item (the mapped one)
    var sortedData = mapData.sort(function(a, b)
        return sortFunction(a[1], b[1]);

    // Remove the extra transformed value from the sorted array
    return sortedData.map(function(e)
        return e[0];

// Example

var data = ["a", "b", "A", "B", "C", "c"];
var cmp  = function(a, b) { return a > b; };
var map  = function(ch) { return ch.toLowerCase(); };

print("Normal:   " + data.sort(cmp));
print("Map Sort: " + mapSort(data, map, cmp));

// Normal:   A,B,C,a,b,c
// Map Sort: a,A,B,b,c,C